

Marie-Skłodowska Curie fellow at La Sapienza, Chemistry Department (Rome, Italy) and principal investigator of the project REALSEI (opeRando chEmical spAce- and time-resoLved quantification of Solid Electrolyte Interphase in hard carbon anode for sustainable sodium-ion batteries).


Permanent Researcher at ENEA Agency.

2016 - 2020

Scientist at in-house beamline ASAXS at BESSYII at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (Berlin, Germany), involved in the national project EMIL (Energy Materials In-Situ Laboratory).

2014 - 2015

Post-doc at University of Roma Tre, Science Department (Rome, Italy), on electron spectrometer development for Free Electron Laser based photoemission experiments National project EX-PRO-REL (EXcitation PROcesses and RELaxation in condensed matter and nanostructures).

2012 - 2013

Post-doc at La Sapienza, Chemistry Department Scrosati Lab (Rome, Italy). Post-doctoral position for physical and electrochemical characterization of cathodes materials for lithium ion batteries, EU project: APPLES (Advanced, high Performance, Polymer Lithium batteries for Electrochemical Storage)


Post-doc at Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung (Ulm, Germany) of lithium ion batteries research, project commissioned by Bayer AG.

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Curriculum Vitae