Seminars and events

BatSynch @ ELETTRA! Invited Talk for REALSEI! 29th November 2023 at 14:30 Castello di Mira Mare, Tireste.

Final Seminar at  Chemistry Department, 21th September 2023 at 16:00 aula Parravano.

Sils Conference at  Chemistry Department, 31th August 2023 at 16:00: Oral presentation on REALSEI results.

E-MRS Conference at  Strasbourg, 29/05/2023 to 02/06/2023; seminar 29th at 14:15 Symposium D1. Title: Bio-waste derived hard carbon for sodium ion batteries: a Small Angle Scattering study.

SummerLIB: summer school organized by CIVIS consortium at  Sapienza University, 17/07/2022 seminar and 21 and 22 of July the lab classes.

Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Fisica 04/07/2022 at Genova 14:30 oral presentation on aluminum batteries topic.

Seminar at Humboldt University in Berlin to Philipp Adelhelm group seminar 22/06/2022 

20th of June 2022 at

10th of May 2022 at 10:00 Wellchem seminar, audience high school students! @La Sapeinza Chemistry department

11 of April 2022 at 11:00 Seminar for high school students entitled "REALSEI: the battery of the future" at Chemistry Department of La Sapienza Rome

15 - 16 of February 2022 Seminar to present the REALSEI project details at University of Camerino department of Physics invited by Prof. Angela Trapananti

Seminar presented the 30th of May 2021 at E_MRS spring meeting symposia ALTECH 2020 - analytical techniques for precise characterization of nano materials. SEMINAR TITLE: 'Operando characterization of an aluminum battery: a comparison between two systems'
